Friends of Ada Hayden Heritage Park

Updated information:
Trail Closures at Ada Hayden Heritage Park

Ada Hayden Trail Closures Shift on Thursday

AMES, Iowa – Trail sections in Ada Hayden Heritage Park, 5205 Grand Ave., that closed Monday will transition around midday on Thursday, Feb. 6 to new locations. The closures are necessary for vegetation maintenance. Closures are marked with signage, and visitors are not allowed in the work zones due to the dangers of the equipment being used.

“The work clearing willows and volunteer trees from throughout the park is progressing well,” said City Forester Gabriele Edwards. “We are using a forestry mulcher for this work, and the safety of visitors is a priority. As the signage is shifted, visitors should pay attention to the change in trail closures.”

Any updates will be posted to City of Ames and Ames Parks and Recreation social media. The work is anticipated to take several days and will be weather dependent. The Iowa Department of Natural Resources recently stocked Ada Hayden Lake with trout and most fishing areas in the park will not be impacted by this work.

Ada Hayden Heritage Park is a 400-acre park in north Ames that includes a 130-acre lake. The park features paved and crushed rock trails.

To join the Friends of Ada Hayden Heritage Park, please send this form and donation to:

Stephanie Fox, Treasurer

3607 Fletcher Blvd 

Ames IA 50010

Please make checks payable to Friends of Ada Hayden Heritage Park

Name: ____________________________


City:_______________ State:__________

Zip:_________ Phone:_______________


Memo: _____________________________

Please note your amount:

____Student: $20

____Individual: $30

____Family: $50

____Contributor: $100

____Sustaining: $250

____Patron: $500

Or use this PayPal link

Friends of Ada Hayden Heritage Park

The Friends of Ada Hayden Heritage Park is a group of citizens who appreciate the variety of opportunities provided by the park and wish to help assure its continued success.

Friends of Ada Hayden Heritage Park Mission:

The Friends group was incorporated as a non-profit organization on July 8, 2010, and was approved as a 501(c)3 organization by the Internal Revenue Service soon after. It elected its first Board of Directors on August 5, 2010.

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