Photos and videos
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A Northern River Otter is checking me out. Four would be observed on this day. (Wolf. Oesterreich, 8/29/24)
Western Painted Turtle basking on a log at Pond P (Greg Courtney, 1 September 2024).
On several days, I found Bigmouth Buffalo near the surface of a stagnant pond, apparently gasping for oxygen. (Wolf. Oesterreich, 8/27/24)
A Meadow Jumping Mouse (Zapus hudsonius) found by boat ramp on the South lake. They are a small mouse characterized by their long tail and large hind legs that enabled them to jump when disturbed. They are the only mouse in Iowa that hibernates. (Paul Domoto, 9/5/24)
Early morning 9-7-2024 (Shelley Ackermann)
Early morning 9-7-2024 (Shelley Ackermann)
Early morning 9-7-2024 (Shelley Ackermann)
Early morning 9-7-2024 (Shelley Ackermann)
A Viceroy Butterfly warming up in the early morning sun. (Paul Domoto, 9/7/24)
“Head shot” of a White-tailed Deer at The Bluff (Greg Courtney, 1 September 2024).
Found this male Blue Grosbeak perched in a tree along the eastern slope of the Upland Trail. (Paul Domoto, 8/26/24)
One of two Belted Kingfisher searching for fish at Pond P (Greg Courtney, 1 September 2024).
Two species of vireo can still be seen (or heard) in the park. This Red-eyed Vireo was at The Bluff (Greg Courtney, 1 September 2024).
A green heron watches as a groundhog walks along a log in the wetlands. (Tana Tesdall, 9/2/24)
The 16th annual Great Ames Adventure Race occurred on the 8th. The event consists of 2.5 miles paddling, 15 miles cycling, and 5K running. Attendance appeared to be down this year. I managed to capture the same person as a cyclist and a runner. (Wolf. Oesterreich, 9/8/24)
Video of the week: A barred owl has an encounter with a great blue heron.